Ultimate Impact of covid on US eCommerce

Effect of COVID-19 on US E-commerce

Impact Of COVID-19 On US E-commerce

Let’s discuss the industry’s significantly trending topic: “Impact Of COVID-19 On US Ecommerce”.

Ecommerce platforms that are the center of digital businesses have been highlights of the world since the very beginning.

Organizations are setting up their businesses online in the evolving era of the Internet.

Research shows about 75% of the total profit is made after switching to e-commerce platforms.

When the Coronavirus struck the world, especially in well-developed countries, it made Brick-and-mortar realize the importance of e-commerce in their life.

The downfall of ecommerce in the United States around 3 to 4 months of lockdown resulted in the downfall of many businesses.

Especially mountain communities, street-side shops, and many other areas in which there is a lack of awareness regarding eCommerce.

After sitting at home doing nothing, people are now thinking about growing their organizations by going online. 

Businesses running eCommerce websites are on the safe side, especially during a pandemic.

US eCommerce due to pandemic:

A study shows that the U.S eCommerce growth rate is likely to jump 18% by this year due to a pandemic that forced more shoppers to go online, as per a new forecast by e-Marketer.

The analysts’ estimation concludes that the total of U.S retail sales includes fuel, Auto will drop to $4.894 trillion, which has never been seen since 2016.

In the U.S., it is considered the worst consumer spending freeze in decades, said a senior analyst of eMarketer in a recent report.

As expected, Amazon will likely increase its market share by up to 38% in eCommerce. Although, it is still ranked number 1 by a wide margin in the U.S. 

U.S eCommerce Walmart sales ranked number 2 and have seen to gain much more popularity after such an extreme number of online groceries have shifted to eCommerce.

It has been making its customer support much better during the COVID-19 crisis, which improved its ethical standard in the eyes of customers.

Rapid change in sales:

In recent news, Walmart declared that its U.S eCommerce was up to 97% more than the average sales.

From this, we can clearly understand how much it would have affected other eCommerce websites.

Many clothing shops running their businesses on digital platforms have benefited from the pandemic.

In such a way, most people who are fond of shopping are now buying on one click.

Although the peak period of COVID-19 is no more, most people prefer to stay home as a precautionary measure.

The impact of this pandemic on Digital Marketing agencies is far more than our thoughts.

Since U.S. agencies shifted their business to eCommerce, Amazon, eBay, Walmart, and other corporations have gained much more revenue than before.


Choosing the right platform for your eCommerce shop is critical because not every platform makes your website worthy.

Nexosol suggests some of the best platforms for your business that are good and engaging.

Check out our services.

Syed Mubashir

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